We Are Here For You (Volunteer)

There are many who are effected by COVID-19. Your desire to help those in need is greatly appreciated. Please fill out this form so that we can know how to best utilize our volunteers.
Thank you for your willingness to help.
Please select all that apply.
Coronavirus is contagious; therefore I will take every precaution to ensure I'm spreading ONLY kindness. I will seek to avoid physical contact (3-6 feet), wash hands regularly, and leave any items on your doorstep.

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me,"  - Matthew 25:35-36
We are here for you whether you come to Jackson Creek or just live in the communities we are privileged to serve. Please, let us know how we can serve you!


There are many who are effected by COVID-19. Your desire to help those in need is greatly appreciated. Please fill out this form so that we can know how to best utilize our volunteers.